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Crusader Soccer Camp for Boys

held at Belmont Abbey College
Belmont, North Carolina

Located at 100 Belmont-Mt. Holly Road in Belmont, NC, Belmont Abbey College prides itself in the development of the whole person – in mind, body and spirit. Founded in 1876, the Abbey is home to more than 1,700 students. The Cardinal Newman Society calls Belmont Abbey College one of the top Catholic colleges in America for faithfulness and affordability, and First Things Magazine recently named the Abbey America’s #1 "School On The Rise, Filled With Excitement." Located just 10 miles west of Charlotte, the Abbey is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For more information about our programs and upcoming camps, click on the navigation links.

Event Dates Register
Memorial Day College ID Camp 05/26/2025 Register
Crusader Soccer Camp 06/16/2025 - 06/19/2025 Register

Crusader Soccer Camp

This camp is neither supported, controlled, nor supervised by Belmont Abbey College but rather is under the sole supervision, control, and sponsorship of the camp director John Keating (dba Omaha Soccer Academy).